Policies and Bylaws
Policies & Procedures of Spokane Unit 448, March 2010 This document should be updated as necessary from Secretary’s minutes of motions passed during Board Meetings. (9/2003) PP 1: BOARD MEETINGS, VOLUNTEERS AND MEMBERS PP 1: BOARD MEETINGS, VOLUNTEERS AND MEMBERS Board meetings are scheduled 90 minutes before Unit Games with a goal of ending after one hour. If the Unit Game is 2 sessions, the Board meeting may be shifted to a more convenient time or day. Several volunteer positions are appointed annually by the president, with the approval of the Board. These positions include Hospitality, Disciplinary, Property, Recorder, Charity, Tournament Coordinator, Intermediate/Novice, NAP (North American Pairs), Christmas Party, Grand Slammer Editor, Education Liaison, Webmaster. A person handling a volunteer position need not be a Board member. Departing Board members and committee chairs shall turn over all materials to the appropriate replacement. A Membership Roster is printed annually after new officers have been selected (December/January). This roster will include Unit Championship Game dates for the upcoming year. A disclaimer in the publication will alert readers that the dates are tentative and any date should be confirmed before showing up for the game. If a Board member misses three meetings without good reason that person may be replaced by the Executive Committee (the elected officers: Pres, VP, Sec. Treas.) with the approval of the Board. Replacement of a Board member due to death or resignation is optional and is the prerogative of the Board. The Board does not have to use previous nominees to fill a vacancy. Each summer, the four outgoing Board members will form a committee to recommend, or not, a Person of Merit, with the current Board members not eligible. They can also recommend a candidate for the ACBL Goodwill award. The recommendation(s) will be presented to the Board at the September meeting. PP 2: SPECIAL GAMES Clubs should not hold regular games during local sectionals. No special games will be scheduled during local sectionals. The President may approve any Unit 448 Club for participation in Western Conference STAC games, without Board approval. ACBL holds Senior Games in February and has normally allowed a club to promote the game. Permission must be granted to the club (2/2002). Choice of the club to run the Senior Game will be by drawing if there is more than one club wishing to hold the game during 2004, thereafter will be by rotation of clubs interested in holding games. PP 3: UNIT GAMES & UNIT DIRECTORS February Youth Bridge Month – Unit will donate $l per player attending Unit Game Director’s fees are $45 per session plus $5.00 per table after 7 tables. Reimbursement will be capped at $100 per session. Director supplies computer, files game results with ACBL, posts results on the unit web site and keeps records for the Kris Motoyshi Trophy. The Kris Motoyshi Trophy is ordered by the Unit Game Director and is a reimbursable expense. Unit Game Director shall play only if necessary to fill out a table. Unit Game Director may file electronically or, at no additional cost to the Unit, by snail mail. Each summer a Unit Game committee shall select dates for the next year’s unit games. With Herculean effort the committee will attempt to minimize conflicts with holidays, major sporting events, tournaments and unforeseen Acts of God. The amount allocated for unit game hospitality shall be determined annually by the board. PP 4: SECRETARY Secretary will record minutes of the monthly Board meetings and the December Membership meeting. Secretary will apply for all Unit Championship Games and Charity Games Sanctions. Secretary will order medals for Ace of Clubs & Mini-McKenney. PP 5: UNIT ELECTRONIC CONTACT Unit Electronic Contact is required by ACBL for the Unit to receive membership funds. The position requires internet access, Adobe Acrobat Reader and computer knowledge. The monthly Unit# 448 In-and-Out Report shall be forwarded to board officers, club directors and the membership chair. As a courtesy to the club owners, the UEC should insure the club computer is updated monthly with the latest data from ACBL, esp. for units 448 & 395 (CDA). Maintaining a recent version of SCORE is also desirable. PP 6: TREASURER The treasurer shall make all deposits of Unit monies, pay expenses upon receipt of approved invoices and reconcile bank statements. There should be 1 or 2 other Board members authorized to sign checks and perform the Treasurer duties in case of absence. Each month the treasurer shall provide an itemized report to the Board and answer all requests for information from the Board or the Executive Committee. The report should be emailed to the board a few days before each meeting. The treasurer shall prepare a year-end report for the audit committee. This report shall include a copy of the check register. A copy of the report will be given to the Secretary. The treasurer is responsible for filing Form 990 with the IRS. Any member of the unit may request to inspect all financial documents of the unit by writing to the President of the Board. Such request shall be granted and performed within two weeks of receiving said request. These records shall remain with the Treasurer at all times. If the person who is making the request wishes to have photocopies made of all or part of the financial records, the copies shall be completed within a two-week period and costs paid by the requester. The costs shall not exceed the commercial rate for copying. PP 7: GRAND SLAMMER Grand Slammer will publish up to four times a year and shall include, but not be limited to, Unit Game dates and results, Club Game schedules and all ACBL Master Point races. Current Unit Games, dates and results will be available on the unit web site as Slammer issues since 2005. A draft “Slammer” will be given to the unit vice president for review before each publication. Advertising by teachers can be accepted to generate revenue. PP 8: PROPERTY CHAIR Property chair will inventory equipment and supplies twice each year (January/August). She/he will move tournament supplies to the location of any sectional or unit game. Supplies include tables, bidding boxes, boards, pickup slips, entry forms, pencils, sharpeners, convention cards, Swiss Team supplies, table movement cards, etc. Property Chair will receive mileage rate equal to IRS business rate. Supplies should be ordered from PDI Bridge Supplies, 14084 Madrona Dr, Anacortes, WA 98221: 800-854-4660 http://www.pdibridgesupplies.com pdi@wavecable.com PP 9: TOURNAMENT CHAIR Will apply to ACBL for all Tournament Sanctions. Shall provide an itemized report to the Board after each tournament. ACBL’s handbook for Unit Presidents: “The tournament chair may delegate duties and authority, but has final responsibility for all decisions regarding the tournament.” PP 10: WEBMASTER General guidelines:
a. maintain accuracy & integrity on the 448 web site b. visit spokanebridge.com/stats/ periodically to see if anyone else looks at more than the SCORES page c. check DINO & ACBL websites for accuracy: http://www.d19.org/units/Unit448/ http://web2.acbl.org/As400/clubs/allClubs/uclub-WA.htm#Spokane Monthly updates: a. upload approved minutes to annual minutes page b. edit New Masterpoint Levels Periodic updates: a. edit Lessons pages; check with teachers b. edit Sectional page, link results to local page c. edit Regional info on Special Events page, link results d. upload Slammer (or have Skyhouse do it) e. update Policies page, consulting with secretary & board Annual updates: a. update officers page b. update Christmas party page c. add ACBL links to Trophy Races d. edit Unit Game page e. edit Special Games page f. archive Unit Board Minutes to searchable link
The accredited teacher should submit the anticipated cost of attendance at workshops, conventions and other meetings that will benefit the teacher and students in the area. On a case by case basis the Unit Board will decide whether reimbursement to an accredited teacher may be made for registration fee and/or travel expenses and/or lodging expenses. To assist the accredited teacher, budgeted items may be purchased by the Unit to encourage students to continue playing duplicate bridge. Items to be considered will be suggested by the teacher and can be in the form of books, pamphlets, a portion of their second year membership fees to ACBL, and/or free plays at Unit sponsored games. To assist the accredited teacher in advertising, the Unit may follow the guidelines of the ACBL Advertising Reimbursement Program. PP 12: UNIT 448 COOPERATIVE ADVERTISING PROGRAM Information The Unit 448 Cooperative Advertising Program is designed from the ACBL marketing program specifically for newcomer programs and lessons and membership recruitment and retention. It will apply to such items as general club or tournament fliers or Unit newsletters if they include highlighted promotions for newcomers. The program will be in effect as long a funds remain available. To submit data for reimbursement, please follow the ACBL requirements shown at www.acbl.org Media options for advertising include, but are not limited to, newspapers, radio and television, telephone directories, direct mail, magazines, fliers and billboards. Reimbursement applies to the cost of advertising or reproduction. Requirements l. You must be a TAP (ACBL Teacher Accreditation Program) certified instructor. 2. Your materials must include the ACBL Logo or the words American Contract Bridge League and the words Unit 448 3. When you send your copies of the invoices or receipts and the advertisement or other promotion (for radio and television, send a copy of the script) to ACBL, make and deliver a duplicate copy to the Treasurer of Unit 448. Include your name and phone number or email address where the Treasurer may contact you. (Reimbursement should be received from ACBL within 4-6 weeks or you will be contacted if your materials do not meet ACBL’s requirements.) 4. When you receive your reimbursement from ACBL, make a copy of the stub showing how much you have been reimbursed and give the copy to the Treasurer. Unit 448 Treasurer will reimburse you up to 50% of the amount, not to exceed $100 per year, that ACBL has reimbursed you to help cover your expenses. (Example: You have submitted $200 in advertising to ACBL and ACBL has reimbursed you $100 to help cover your expenses. Unit 448 will make every effort to reimburse you 50% of the amount ACBL has reimbursed you or $50.) (l/2004) 5. Reimbursement will depend on Unit funds available. *************************************************************************** By-Laws of Spokane Unit 448 American Contract Bridge League Article I: UNIT JURISDICTION The UNIT is a subsidiary of the League; recognizes the League as the parent organization, having authority and control over Tournament Bridge in the United States; exists under the sanction of the League and functions within the Constitution, By-Laws and regulations of the League. The objectives of the Unit shall be:
Article I: UNIT JURISDICTION The geographical area within which the UNIT may operate shall be the area of the City of Spokane and areas immediately adjacent thereto, plus any areas that may be assigned to it by the American Contract Bridge League. Article II: MEMBERSHIP A. Any person of good moral character and residing within the playing area of the UNIT, subject to District regulations, is eligible for membership and may apply to such person, persons or committees as the Board of Directors may direct, and shall become a member upon complying with such requests as the Board by resolution may, from time to time, adopt and upon payment of annual dues. No person shall be denied membership because of race, creed, or color. B. An application shall bind the applicant to full compliance with, and adherence to, these By-Laws, the UNIT’s Charter and the Charter and By-Laws of the American Contract Bridge League. C. A member shall enjoy and possess all rights of membership equally with all other members, except that the voting privilege shall be restricted to those who have been members for at least sixty (60) days. D. Membership in the UNIT shall carry with it membership in the American Contract Bridge League. E. If a member changes his official residence to a place outside the geographical area of the UNIT, his eligibility to remain a member of the UNIT will be determined by A.C.B.L. regulations. F. A member remains in good standing unless: Article III: DUES A. Annual dues shall be in the amount fixed by the A.C.B.L. Article IV: MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Section 1. The annual meeting of the membership shall be on a day prior to December 31, each year. Section 2. The Board of Directors shall fix the time and place of the Annual Meeting and shall give notice by mail of such meeting at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Section 3. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Board of Directors, or by the President, upon ten (10) days written notice to all members. The notice of any special meeting shall contain an agenda of matters to be taken up at such meeting. Section 4. A quorum for the transaction of business at any annual or special meeting shall consist of twenty-five (25) members. Article V: UNIT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. Number of Directors: The UNIT shall be managed and conducted by the Board of Directors, which shall consist of nine (9) persons, elected by and from the membership of the UNIT. [Reduced from 12 to 9 at Annual Meeting: Dec 2010] 2. Term of Office: Each elected Director shall hold office for a period of three (3) years, which shall coincide with the calendar year of the UNIT, and he shall continue to hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected. No elected Director shall be allowed to succeed himself in office for at least one (1) year. The term of office of the elected directors shall be arranged so that one-third (1/3) shall be elected each year, with the remaining two-thirds (2/3's) holding over the following years. [Duly voted by membership at Annual Meeting 12/2000] 3. Term of Office: Each elected Director may hold office for a period of six (6) years defined as two consecutive three (3) year terms if re-elected for second term. These terms shall coincide with the calendar year of the Unit, and they shall continue to hold office until their successor shall have been duly elected. No elected Director shall be allowed to succeed themselves in office for at least one (1) year after being elected for two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. Appointed board members can run for one (1) additional three (3) year term after completing the term appointed to fulfill. 4. Nominations: (b) The names of the persons nominated as Directors by the Nominating Committee shall be made known to the members in the Notice of Annual Meeting at least ten (10) days before the meeting. (c) Additional nominations may be made by the members but such nominations must be in writing, signed by at least one (1) person in good standing and must be mailed to the Secretary of the UNIT at least five (5) days before the date of the Annual Meeting. [Duly voted by membership at Annual Meeting 12/2000] (e) Additional nominations may be made by the membership from the floor at the scheduled Annual Membership Meeting. NOTE: When there are several playing areas within the UNIT, each playing area should have representation on the Board approximately in the same proportion as the membership in the area bears to the total membership in the UNIT. The Nominating committee is instructed to guide itself accordingly, or the members in each playing area may officially meet to select its representatives on the Board. 6. Elections: Every qualified member shall be entitled to one vote for each Director to be elected. All ballots shall be secret. All candidates are entitled to have witnesses at the counting. 7. Vacancies: Any vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by the Board of Directors and the persons so appointed shall hold office during the unexpired term. 8. Meetings: The Board of Directors shall hold a minimum of ten (10 meetings a year, the first of which shall be immediately after the Annual Membership meeting for the purpose of transacting such business as may come before it. The Secretary shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors at the request of the President or upon request in writing of four (4) of its members. Notices of such special meetings shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the proposed meeting. All regular meetings shall be conducted according to “Robert’s Rules of Order.” 9. Quorum: A quorum of the Board of Directors for the transaction of business shall consist of not less than five (5) Directors. 10. Powers and Duties: In addition to the powers granted by other provisions of these By-Laws and by the Laws of the State of Washington, the Board of Directors shall have the following powers and duties: Powers and Duties: a. To acquire, hold, administer, maintain and dispose of all of the property of the UNIT. b. To appropriate funds of the UNIT for the purpose set forth in these By-Laws. c. To hire and discharge employees and to supervise their conduct and to fix their compensation. d. To audit all receipts and disbursements of the UNIT. e. To conduct, manage, and supervise and control all of the business of the UNIT included in, but not limited to, the conduct of tournaments, the selection of all dates and locations for holding such tournaments, and the making of all contracts in connection thereto. f. To act as coordinator and arbitrator between the local clubs under its jurisdictional area for the best interests of Duplicate Bridge; particularly to avoid, insofar as possible, conflicting playing dates. g. To arbitrate disputes of members and consider any protest situation. At the discretion of the Board any such matters may first be referred to the Conduct and Ethics Committee, which, after thorough investigation will report to the Board of Directors with its recommendations. The Board will then make such action as it sees fit. In any dispute involving Club Directors, only those Board members elected by the membership shall vote. h. To censure, suspend, expel, or otherwise discipline any player. But no player shall be censured, suspended, or expelled or otherwise disciplined until he has been furnished with written charges to which he has time to reply, or until after a hearing of which he has received reasonable notice. He may be represented by counsel. Disciplinary action by the UNIT may be appealed to the National Board of Directors. The right of a member against whom charges are pending to play in tournaments during such pendancy shall not be affected unless otherwise directed by the Board. i. To reappoint annually, Local Club Directors, who so desire, to direct UNIT Games. [Duly voted by membership at Annual Meeting 12/2000] j. Board members shall be excluded from voting on issues that affect their financial interests. Article VI: UNIT OFFICERS & MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS 1. Number: The officers of the UNIT shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall all be members of the Board of Directors. 2. Election: The Board of Directors shall elect all officers at its first meeting following the Annual Membership meeting, and the persons elected shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors have been duly elected. 3. Vacancies: Vacancies due to death, resignation or other causes shall be filled by the Board of Directors. 4. Duties: The duties of the officers shall be as outlined in the regulations of the A.C.B.L. Article VII: IMPEACHMENT Any officer or director may be removed for cause at any meeting of the Board of Directors, provided two-thirds (2/3's) of those present constituting a quorum shall so vote. Any officer or director against whom impeachment charges shall be brought shall be notified in writing, by registered mail, of the charges against him, at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting and shall be given an opportunity to be heard before the Board of Directors and to be represented by counsel of his own choosing. The action taken by the Board of Directors shall be conclusive and final. Article VIII: AMENDMENTS TO THE By-Laws Amendments to the By-Laws may be made by members of the UNIT upon petition signed by at least fifty (50) members and submitted to the Secretary at least sixty (60) days in advance of the Annual Meeting or any special meeting called for the purpose; or upon a petition signed by at least eight (8) members of the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to incorporate the test of the proposed amendment in the Notice of the Membership meeting. The concurrence of two-thirds (2/3's) of all members present and voting shall be required to pass any amendment. Article IX: TOURNAMENTS The UNIT shall have complete authority over all Tournaments conducted by it, subject to the regulations of the American Contract Bridge League. Article X: COMMITTEES The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint such committees as may be necessary or desirable to perform the functions of the organization, and he shall define their duties. Among the committees appointed by him shall be the following standing committees. A Tournament Committee, Conduct and Ethics Committee, Membership Committee, Publicity Committee, Nominating and Election Committee, and Hospitality Committee. By-Laws of UNIT 448 of A.C.B.L. Revised, December 1975 Amended, December 2000, 2010 President: ___/s/ Paul Burns___________ Secretary: __/s/ Paul Harding__________
Draft Proposed By-Laws October 2015BYLAWS OF SPOKANE UNIT 448 American Contract Bridge League
Revised, December 1975 Amended, December 2000, 2010 Revised and amended ??? 2015
Article I: Name Article II: Objectives Article III: Unit Jurisdiction Article IV: Membership Article V: Dues Article VI: Membership Meetings Article VII: Unit Board of Directors Article VIII: Unit Officers and Members of the Board of Directors Article IX: Impeachment Article X: Amendments to the Bylaws Article XI Tournaments Article XII: Committees
Article I: Name Spokane Unit 448 is a subsidiary of the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL), recognizing ACBL as the parent organization, that has authority and control over tournament bridge in the United States, and exists under the sanction of ACBL and functions within the Constitution and Bylaws and regulations of ACBL. Article II: Objectives A. To preserve and to promote the best interest of competitive contract bridge; B. To co-operate with, and to assist, the ACBL in the promotion and conduct of the contract bridge tournaments; C. To prescribe rules of eligibility for participation in tournaments under its auspices; D. To consider and to act upon reports of dishonest, unethical or improper conduct of participants in unit games and/or tournaments, if any, and to bar or suspend person guilty of such conduct from further participation; E. To promote the development and organization of affiliated clubs within the Unit; and F. To conduct such other activities as may be in keeping with its principal objectives. Article III: Unit Jurisdiction The geographic area within which the Unit may operate shall be the area of the city of Spokane and areas immediately adjacent thereto, plus any areas that may be assigned to it by the ACBL. Article IV: Membership A. Any person of good moral character who resides within the playing area of the Unit, subject to District regulations, is eligible for membership and may apply to such person, or committee as the Board of Directors may direct, and shall become a member upon complying with such requests as the Board by resolution may, from time to time, adopt and upon payment of ACBL annual dues. No person shall be denied membership because of race, creed, or color. B. An application shall bind the applicant to full compliance with, and adherence to, these Bylaws, the Unit’s Charter and ACBL’s Bylaws. C. A member in good standing shall enjoy and possess all rights of membership equally with all other members, except that the voting privilege shall be restricted to those who have been members for at least sixty (60) days. D. If a member moves from the listed residence to a place outside the Unit’s geographical area, the member’s eligibility to remain a Unit member will be determined by ACBL regulations. E. A member remains in good standing unless: 1. The member has failed to pay ACBL annual dues within six (6) months following the calendar date expiration; or 2. The member has been disciplined under Article VII H 8 of these Bylaws. Article V: Dues A. Annual dues shall be in the amount fixed by and submitted to ACBL. B. The Board of Directors shall have no power to levy any special assessment.
Article VI: Membership Meetings
A. The annual membership meeting shall be on a day prior to December 31st each year. B. The Board of Directors shall fix the time and place of the Annual Meeting. Notice shall be given to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and in a variety of ways: email notification, postings and announcements at playing sites, on the web site and by any other means determined by the Board of Directors. C. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Board of Directors, or by the President, upon ten (10) days’ notice to the special meeting to all members. The notice of a special meeting shall contain an agenda of matters to be taken up at such meeting and made available to the membership in a variety of ways, such as email notification, postings and announcements at playing sites, on the web site and by any other means determined by the Board of Directors. D. A quorum for transaction of business at any annual or special meeting shall consist of at least twenty-five (25) members. Article VII: Unit Board of Directors A. Number of Directors: The Unit shall be managed and business conducted by the Board of Directors, which shall consist of nine (9) persons elected by and from the Unit membership. B. Term of Office: Each elected Director may hold office for a period of six (6) years, defined as two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms, if re-elected for a second term. These terms shall coincide with the calendar year of the Unit. The Director shall continue to hold office until a successor shall have been duly elected. Elected Directors shall not be allowed to succeed themselves in office for at least one (1) year after having been elected for two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. Appointed Board Directors can run for one (1) additional three (3) year term after completing the position to which the Director was appointed to fulfill. C. Nominations: 1. [DELETE The Board of Directors, at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Membership meeting, shall select a Nominating Committee, composed of three (3) persons, a majority of whom shall not be on the current Board of Directors. Said Nominating Committee shall meet prior to the Annual Membership meeting notification and shall prepare a slate of candidates to be placed in nomination by it at the Annual Membership meeting.] 1. A member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed Election Committee Chair. The Chair will select two (2) Unit members-at-large to serve on the Committee. The nominating Committee shall report their selections to the Unit Secretary. The candidates’ names shall be announced to the Unit membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the election date. Notification can be by email, on the Unit website and by printed notices at the Club sites. Any member in good standing, not nominated by the Nominating Committee, may stand for a position on the board by submitting a declaration of candidacy to the Unit President or a member of the Election Committee no later than fourteen (14) days before the election. 2. When there are several playing areas within the Unit, each playing area should have representation on the Board approximate in the same proportion as the membership in the area bears to the total membership in the Unit. The Nominating Committee is instructed to guide itself accordingly, or the members in each playing area may officially meet to select its representative on the Board. 3. [DELETE Additional nominations may be made by the membership from the floor at the scheduled Annual Membership meeting.] The ballots, with the candidates listed in alphabetical order, shall be distributed by email and the Unit Website and be available from an Election Committee member. Ballots may be returned by mail to the Election Committee Chair or in person to any member of the Election Committee. Ballots will be available at the membership meeting for direct voting. All returned ballots must be marked with the voter’s ACBL membership number. Failure to include the ACBL number on the ballot invalidates the vote. All absentee ballots must be received before the day of the election. Absentee ballots shall be used only for Board of Director elections, not for other Unit business before the general meeting, such as bylaw amendments. D. Elections: 1. Every qualified member shall be entitled to one vote for each Director to be elected. 2. All ballots shall be secret. 3. The election Committee will select three (3) impartial members to count the ballots at the membership meeting and to announce the results there. In the event of a tie or ties, the Board President, assisted by the Secretary, or their designated stand-ins, shall determine by lot and in the presence of the members the Director or Directors elected. 4. In the event that the number of candidates is no more than the number of open Board positions, no vote will be taken. The candidates will be elected by acclimation. 5. Any candidate is entitled to have witnesses at the vote counting. E. Vacancies: Any vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by the Board of Directors. The person(s) so appointed shall hold office during the unexpired term. F. Meetings: 1. The Board of Directors shall hold a minimum of ten (10) meetings a year. 2. At the discretion of the Board, a transitional meeting of the sitting Board members and the incoming Directors may be held between the Annual Membership meeting and the first Board meeting in January to elect officers for the coming year and to relay records. 3. The Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Board of Directors at the request of the President or upon request, in writing, of four (4) Unit members. Notices of such special meetings shall be distributed not less than ten (10) days prior to the proposed meeting date. 4. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
G. Quorum: A quorum of the Board of Directors for business transactions shall consist of not fewer than five (5) Directors. H. Powers and Duties: In addition to the powers granted by other provisions of these Bylaws and by the laws of the State of Washington, the Board of Directors shall have the following powers and duties: 1. To acquire, hold, administer, maintain and dispose of all Unit property; 2. To appropriate Unit funds for the purpose set forth in these Bylaws; 3. To hire and discharge employees, to supervise their conduct and to fix their compensation; 4. To audit all Unit receipts and disbursements; 5. To conduct, manage, and supervise and control all Unit business, including, but not limited to, the conduct of tournaments, the selection of all dates and locations for those tournaments, and the making of all contract in connection thereto; 6. To act as coordinator and arbitrator between the local clubs under its jurisdiction for the best interests of duplicate bridge, particularly to avoid, insofar as possible, conflicting playing dates; 7. To arbitrate disputes of members and to consider any protest situation. At the Board’s discretion any such matters may first be refer to the Conduct and Ethics Committee, which, after thorough investigation will report to the Board of Directors with its recommendations. The Board will then take such action as it sees fit. In any dispute involving club directors, only those Board members elected by the membership shall vote. 8. To censure, suspend, expel, or otherwise discipline any player. But no player shall be censured, suspended, or expelled or otherwise disciplined until that memberhas been furnished with written charges to which the player has time to reply, or until after a hearing of which the player has received reasonable notice. The player may be represented by counsel of the member’s own choosing and expense. Disciplinary action by the Unit may be appealed to the National Board of Directors. The member, against whom charges are pending, may play in tournaments during such pendency, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors. 9. To reappoint annually local Club Directors, who so desire, to direct Unit games. 10. Board members shall be excluded from voting on issues that affect their financial interest. Article VIII: Unit Officers and Members of the Board of Directors A. Number: The Unit officers shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be Directors on the Board. B. Election: The Board of Directors shall elect all officers at its first meeting following the Annual Membership meeting. The persons elected shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors have been duly elected. C. Vacancies: Vacancies due to death, resignation or other causes shall be filled by the Board of Directors. D. Duties: The duties of the officers shall be as outlined in the ACBL regulations. Article IX: Impeachment Any officer or Director may be removed for cause at any meeting of the Board of Directors providing two-thirds (2/3) of the quorum present shall so vote. Any officer or Director against whom impeachment charges are brought shall be notified in writing, by registered mail, of the charges against the Director at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Further, the Director shall be given an opportunity to be heard before the Board of Directors and to be represented by counsel of the Director’s own choosing and expense. The action taken by the Board of Directors shall be conclusive and final.
Article X: Amendments to the Bylaws Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by Unit members upon petition signed by at least fifty (50) members and submitted to the secretary at least sixty (60) days in advance of the Annual Meeting or any special meeting called for the purpose; or upon a petition signed by at least eight (8) members of the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to incorporate the test of proposed amendment in the Notice of Membership meeting. The concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of members present and voting shall be required to pass any amendment. Article XI: Tournaments The Unit shall have complete authority over all tournaments conducted by it, subject to ACBL regulations. Article XII: Committees The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint such committees as may be necessary or desirable to perform the functions of the organization. The President shall define their duties. Among the committees appointed by the President shall be the following standing committees: Tournament Committee, Conduct and Ethics Committee, Membership Committee, Publicity committee, Nominating and Election Committee, and Hospitality Committee.