If you attend an ACBL regional or sectional tournament and you want your results fast, there’s now a way to do that.
After you have left the tournament site—or even before your leave—get your laptop, iPad, or smart phone and access your email account. Then send an email --Your ranking --The number of masterpoints you earned --All the results of all participants --Hand records which show how each pair did on each hand and a computer analysis of the best possible results in each direction and the par result for each hand. If you have access to a printer, you may even print those detailed hand records.
If you entered a Swiss teams or knockout event, you’ll be able to see all of the above, with the obvious exception of hand records.
Eight is Enough Team GameEach year we play an Eight is Enough game to honor the memory of Anne Henrichs. We are providing lunch and dessert. Please come and play with us. If your team wins you will have your names engraved on the trophy.